(All Passengers must acknowledge)

I, the undersigned passenger understand that my presence at this event and venue is entirely at my own risk.  I agree to save harmless and keep indemnified MotorSport New Zealand Inc and the Organising member Car Club named above, all the owners and tenants of property traversed by this event; the respective officials, servants, representatives and agents from and against all losses, actions, claims, expenses and demands in respect of my death, injury, loss of or damage to the persons or property of myself or of any other persons whatsoever howsoever caused arising out of or in connection with this Indemnity, or my taking part in this event. I acknowledge that I must obey the instructions of the Event Organisers Officials or Marshals. I confirm that the Event Organisers have briefed me on basic event safety procedures and how to wear and subsequently uncouple the safety harness fitted to the vehicle or vehicles that I will ride in during the event. I understand that if I am between the ages of 12 to 16 I am required to present either a valid Junior Competition licence or an underage indemnity form signed by my parent or guardian. I declare that I am over the age of twelve and have read and understand these declarations prior to signing in the appropriate space below.



The New Zealand Rally Championship is this country’s premier nationwide rally championship. It attracts New Zealand’s best drivers to compete in numerous categories for the prestigious MotorSport New Zealand-sanctioned rally championship titles. In 2024, there are six NZRC rounds, each with a unique character reflecting the diverse regions – from Northland to Invercargill