How the Cameron’s became NZRC’s popularity winners

Husband and wife crew Mike and Helen Cameron are arguably as recognisable as any competitors in the Brian Green Property Group New Zealand Rally Championship despite often being the last car on the road.

The Cameron’s epitomise everything that is good in rallying, always smiling, always showcasing a friendly spirit and always doing whatever they can to help those around them.

They began as a combination over 30 years ago – Mike had been competing since the late 1970s before teaming up with Helen as his co-driver.

He was based in the Bay of Plenty during his early years competing before moving back to Taranaki and that is where he met Helen.

“In 1980 I came back to Taranaki to run the farm and I lied low for a couple of seasons,” Mike explained.

“Then along came my wife and I started back up.

“I must admit she is pretty good to me because our honeymoon was spent with four other guys. We got married on the 11th of June and the next weekend we did the international rally, so she was spending her honeymoon with us.

“Since 1990 we have been rallying together as a team. We have our ups and downs, ins and outs – I have been outstanding in my field only because I went through the farmer’s fence to get there.”

Helen has become famous as the NZRC’s “Lolly Lady” thanks to her generosity in giving sweet treats to volunteers on event.

“The lolly lady system came about through weather,” Mike explained. “You have volunteers out in the field doing the work for you while you are nice and cuddly and warm inside the car. We thought they could do with a lolly.

“Somehow it just got better and better and suddenly they started knowing the car that was coming with the lollies in them and Helen became known as the “Lolly Lady” from then on.

“We were actually looking at sponsorship from a lolly farm.”


About The Author


The New Zealand Rally Championship is this country’s premier nationwide rally championship. It attracts New Zealand’s best drivers to compete in numerous categories for the prestigious MotorSport New Zealand-sanctioned rally championship titles. In 2024, there are six NZRC rounds, each with a unique character reflecting the diverse regions – from Northland to Invercargill